ROVE TGP Submitter is the software that was specially developed for automated submission of your galleries (movie or picture gallery) to TGP – thumbnail gallery post. ROVE TGP Submitter not only automates but also significantly simplifies and accelerates the process of filling in TGP submit forms, quickly and easy creates HTML files for your gallery. Not like in the other similar programs, the process of filling forms and creating HTML files is totally controlled by you that in its turn will help you to avoid problems with TGP owners.ROVE TGP Submitter will do boring part of an adult webmaster’s routine and free your time.

Software consists of 2 programs: TGP Generator and TGP Submitter.

TGP Generator allows you on the basis of known information (pictures of your gallery and TGP database) to create necessary HTML files for your gallery, it means that if you’ve got pictures, just by clicking your mouse several times you can easily create all necessary files for the gallery. TGP Generator allows you to make variously designed HTML pages, you can choose a standard style or any other you like. TGP Generator will also automatically insert TGP recip buttons in generated HTML pages.

TGP Submitter is the second part of software and on a basis of generated pages it automatically submits your gallery to TGP sites. With the help of TGP Submitter you can submit your galleries by E-Mail and by Web Browser. The program has its own browser which is the exact copy of Internet Explorer; it automatically fills forms and allows to keep the process totally controlled. In the other words the gallery can be submitted automatically or you can submit it manually by clicking on Submit button and see if Submitter fills in the form correctly, afterwards if the gallery was submitted successfully the window will be closed automatically and other one will be opened.

Here is some information about ROVE TGP Submitter.
Functions and features of TGP Generator:

* Compilation and saving of TGP list, which is already existed in database on various criteria (type, number of recips, rating)
* Grouping TGP banners on the page
* Checking of recips
* Any design of generated pages
* Four existed and easy changeable designs for generating galleries (you simply have to specify a way up to the directory with photos and program will do the rest)
* Possibility of choosing your own unique design, which can be also saved as a pattern when generating a gallery. For this is used special operators for the generator.
* You can insert your own code on each generated page
* Possibility of creating differently named HTML files
* Page generation based on pattern and placing TGP recips
* Functions and features of TGP Submitter:
* 2 ways of submitting your galleries – automatic and manual
* An option of choosing number of windows in a multiwindow submitting mode
* Automated filling in forms and auto pressing of Submit button
* An option of setting delay time for automated pressing of Submit button (emulation of real user)
* E-mail submit with possibility of creation own pattern of text message
* You can create your own list of synonymous words for every category
* Built-in browser is a full emulation of Internet Explorer
* An option of using proxy, and adjustment of browser settings
... and lots of other possibilities as well!

 Click here to download TPG Submitter